
Christmas Greeting ca 1865

Smithsonian Institution

My holiday gifts came early, in the form of the responses to my recent blog post about the third Difficult Dukes book.

I must have the best readers ever, anywhere. You made me smile and you made me cry, but most of all you made me grateful. For the last century or so (give or take a little), I’ve been fortunate to write the kind of stories I want to write, and get them published. My books are all over the world, translated into I don’t know how many languages. So really, when a couple of stories prove recalcitrant, during times that have been brutally difficult—and for all too many people, vastly more painful and difficult than my little problems—it’s frustrating, but hardly catastrophic. Hello, perspective? Yes, I’ve got some, really. These are not the easiest times, and we’re all doing the best we can.

I wish you the best of everything during this festive, special season: good health, and good times with loved ones, celebrations or quiet time—as you prefer—reasons to smile and laugh, and yes, some peace of mind.

More anon. Meanwhile, I’ve got cookies to bake.

The Blackwoods & I are not getting along

—Dorothy Parker.

With thanks to LettersOfNote, where I first encountered this perfect account of my own situation.

Let’s just get the painful part over with.

The third Difficult Dukes book is not going to be released in 2022.

I’m deeply sorry to disappoint the many readers who’ve asked about the Blackwoods’ story. It’s turned into an even greater struggle than the last book, and I honestly can’t say why. It’s not for want of trying. Hundreds of false starts and abrupt, screeching stops.

And so I’ve told Alice and Blackwood to go off and think about their many crimes against me, and to come back when they are ready to cooperate. I’m giving them two weeks. After things settle down post-holiday season, it’s back to work—and they’d better be ready.

This book will get written. At some point, the mental obstacles, whatever they are, will give way. Meanwhile, I can only ask, once again, for your patience. I promise to continue to work hard, and aim for 2023 release, as early as possible.

UK, Australia, New Zealand, we've got an Apple deal for you

Most of our deals and giveaways, for technical reasons, are reserved for U.S. residents. However, we’re making some progress in reaching our readers elsewhere on the globe.

And so I am delighted to report that this month, Apple Books will include A Duke in Shining Armor (or do I mean Armour?) in their Historical Romance promotion. The promo is on from from 7-29 August. The price for the eBook is $2.99 (or whatever that works out to be in £).