Mr. Impossible News: Audible Has a Deal for You

Here’s a very nice deal for those of you who like to listen to my books.

My second Carsington Brothers book, Mr. Impossible, will be featured in Audible’s “Choose Your Own” BOGO sale which runs from Monday 14 August through Monday 21 Augustat 11:59 PM PT. This is a members-only promotion where you can get two books for one credit.

The sale will be featured here.

Please be aware that you won't be able to access the sale unless you are a member.


News from here and abroad, including Brazil & Portugal

It's been a while, and I have a lot of catching up to do. For instance, what have I been doing all this time since May? For one thing, I was in Europe: a month living in London, a week in Albania, a week in Italy, then back to London and home again, home again. Where the page proofs for A Duke in Shining Armor awaited me.

Page proofs are my last chance to correct errors and crazy, twitchy stuff I can't believe I did, which nobody else caught for some reason. Things like using a certain phrase over and over. This happens in every book, and it's always a different phrase, and every single time, I don't pick up on it until the page proofs come. This may have to do with seeing pages that actually look like book pages, rather than typed manuscript pages. Or it could be my brain. Because. You know.

But the page proofs have gone their merry way, and everything seems on time for the December 2017 release of my first Difficult Dukes book. There will be some public appearances connected with this, which I will tell you about when details are confirmed. Suffice to say that they will involve some of my favorite author friends, and I am very excited.

Also, before long I'll be reporting on my travels abroad. I would have reported while abroad, but the technology issues became daunting. It was all I could do to get a few Two Nerdy History Girl posts in here and there. And yes, I was very busy trying not to waste one fabulous minute, which left not much time or brain power for social media.

Until then, for your visual enjoyment, here are some lovely new editions to look at, from Brazil and Portugal, of Vixen in Velvet.


A Duke in Shining Armor has a cover and a website page and everything

The cover for my latest book, scheduled for release on 28 November,  appeared on the online bookstores a while ago, but since I had no advance warning, and life here is busy, my website update didn’t happen simultaneously.

By now, if you’ve looked up A Duke in Shining Armor online, you’ve seen the synopsis that appears on the back cover. Now, though, it has its own page here on my website, where you can read an excerpt as well.

A Duke in Shining Armor is the first of a planned trilogy titled Difficult Dukes. This one is the Duke of Ripley’s story. But in it you’ll also meet the other two members of the trio known as Their Dis-Graces: the Dukes of Blackwood and Ashmont, whose stories I’ll tell in the next books.

For those who wonder if the Dressmakers will make an appearance: I set the book in 1833, a couple of years before the Dressmakers series (1835-1836). Since I'd taken that story arc as far as it would go, I wanted to start fresh. From the writing standpoint, it makes things simpler when I don’t have to worry about events in previous books interfering with or contradicting events in the plot of the current one. It's less stressful, too, if I don't have to account for characters from previous books. Still, you might recognize a name or or two from the Dressmakers books, and a young person whose life has included at least two aliases. For the most part, though, it’s all new people.

In a few weeks, I’ll be heading to England for an extended period of research and inspiration-seeking. If all goes well with the technology, you can expect me to report, though probably not as regularly as a less confused person would do.

If you haven’t already subscribed to the Loretta Chase website blog, you might want to consider it. Since my newsletters go out only once or twice a year, the blog is the best way to keep up-to-date with releases, appearances, adventures, and information that I hope will enhance your enjoyment of my books. The subscription link is in the upper right corner of the blog page.