Second Annual RomCon Romance Festival in May

If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll join me and a terrific group of romance writers for a spring RomCon, courtesy the Ashland Public Library and Romancing New England. As the schedule indicates, you’ll have many opportunities to interact with your favorite writers and discover some who may be new to you.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for beautiful spring weather!

Saturday 20 May from 10AM to 3PM

Ashland Public Library in Ashland, Massachusetts

You can read all about it here. You can register here.

I hope to see you next month!

Two Nerdy History Girls on YouTube

Two women in a fashion plate dated 1 June 1810

Fashion Plate, Ackermann’s Repository 1 June 1810 courtesy Los Angeles County Public Library

A bit late with this, but at least it’s not time sensitive. For those of you who missed the latest Two Nerdy History Girls chat, courtesy Meena Jain at the Ashland Public Library, it’s now online for your viewing enjoyment. That is to say, we hope it’s enjoyable. Meena starts us off with a question that frequently comes up: Were people dirty and smelly way back then?

You can tune in for the answer here.

 And just in case the link gets sulky or something:

Meena has very kindly invited us back, so please watch for the next Two Nerdy History Girls chat sometime in June.

And in other news: A stellar group of romance authors and I will appear, live and in person, in Ashland, Massachusetts in May. Please watch this space for details as we get closer to the date.

Two Nerdy History Girls: Another return engagement

1856-1871 Fashion Print

©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

You don’t hear from me for months. Then I’m bothering you weekly. This makes sense to me. I don’t send blog posts unless I’ve something to say that doesn’t belong in the Work In Progress.

But an EVENT is coming up soon. Author Susan Holloway Scott and I return under the kind auspices of the Ashland Public Library and Super-librarian Meena Jain to talk nerdy history. Some of you may recall our blog, named, aptly enough Two Nerdy History Girls. It’s still there, still searchable, though we stopped posting a few years ago.

While we’ve stopped posting blogs there, we haven’t stopped being nerdy about history, and so we welcome the opportunity to talk about what we feel is truly interesting about the past. The focus is not on politics and wars but on how people lived: what they wore, what they ate, where they lived, how they got from one place to another. To us, research combines detective work with time travel.

If you read my books, you probably have a bit of interest in the past, too. Maybe you have questions. I do hope so, because that’s fun. Even when we don’t know the answers, you can be sure we’ll jump at the chance to hunt them down.


When: 10 January 7PM

Where: Virtual

To join us, please register at: